Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Resetting the Resolution Button

It is March and I can say that I have definitely fallen off my resolution wagon.  I made the decision that 2010 was going to be the year of improvement and not letting stupid things hold me back and while I only made two resolutions and I have mostly pushed them by the way side.  I haven't forgotten completely but I'm not conscience of them as much as I was in January.  There were pretty simple resolutions:  Eat healthier and Move more.  I've done yoga a few times but not as much as I should and while I'm am making better choices when it comes to eating, they still aren't as good as I would like them to be.  One thing I have stuck to is if I ate something what wasn't exacly healthy I was no longer going to beat myself up about it.  I can proudly say I've stuck to that.

I gave up fast food for Lent.  When I tell people this the first thing they say is "You aren't Catholic?"  No I'm not but I didn't think that was a prerequisite.  I mean really, the only reason why I decided to do something for Lent is because I knew it was 40 something days long and it ended on Easter.  There's a clear time period that I wouldn't wonder how much longer I had and when could I eat Carl's Jr. again?  I've never challenged myself before so I decided why not so I gave up fast food.  I basically can't eat anything from a place that has a drive thru.  Probably doesn't sound like much to people but I have to say it is very challenging.  There are days when I don't feel like cooking and I just wish we could run down the street and get something or I go over to my friend's place and someone shows up with a lovely bag of deliciousness and the cravings start.  It's not that I ate burgers and fries all the time but it was convienient and I do have a soft spot for In & Out Burger.  Yes, I am a culinary school grad and a self proclaimed foodie but who doesn't love a burger every now and then?

I have survived 21 days so far.  I'm hoping by the end of this I can survive longer. Forty days without consuming this stuff I would think I could just be done.  I've decided that I'm hitting the reset button on my resolutions and focusing on what I want to achieve.

Other goals that I have for this year is actually keeping up with this blog.  I have plans and I want to turn this into something that helps others.  I feel like I'm going through this transition in my life and maybe someone else is doing the same thing and looking for someone to connect with.  My vision is for others to find me and identify with what I'm trying to do.  As I mentioned in my last post, February was Radical Self Love month and with reading comments on and the #radicalselflove tag on Twitter and I learned so much about people and I'm not alone in my thinking.  It's rather nice and reassuring.

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